Michael Asimea James or better known as Minister King Michael is a Nigerian Lagos-based gospel minister, singer, and songwriter. Known for his powerful yet melodious music, Minister King Michael is a loving husband and Godly Father. “David Dance” is a brand new gospel track by Minister King Michael. This track is part of his recently released album called “Heavenly Altar Of Praise (Vol. 1)”. The song inspires faith and is a soulful composition that connects the listener with God. Minister King Michael’s album is made up of several inspiring tracks that are bound to soothe your soul.
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Michael’s new gospel track “Dance David” is an uplifting track that inspires positivity. Like the title says, Dance Davis is a groovy track with a South African touch. Combined with Afro beats, the track is sure to make you move.
Dance David makes one feel happy and connected with the Lord.
The powerful and inspiring lyrics combined with Minister King Michael’s melodious and soulful voice make this a perfect worship song. With wonderful lyrics such as “I wanna be in your presence, and Dance Like David”. The track can be a great addition to your gospel playlist.
Filled with melodious tunes that one can dance to, Dance David is a track that inspires positivity from within. Positivity and happiness are what we need during these challenging times. Minister King Michael has mastered the art of creating soulful music. This can be seen in his latest track Dance David. As a result, the song is a wonderful creation that satisfies the soul with melodious harmonies.
Minister King Michael’s all-new gospel track Dance David is a soulful track that will inspire you from within. His album “Heavenly Altar of Praise (Vol. 1) is a wonderful Christian Gospel album with eight melodious songs. Minister King Michael drives inspiration from what he calls a Raw Encounter with God on the 29th of June, 2014.
This is where God blessed him with the mandate of creating and singing heavenly praises and for the betterment of humanity. Overall, Minister King Michael’s Dance David is a perfect track to add to your gospel music playlist. For more such Urban Gospel and Christian Hip Hop news and information, do check out our website. – DLK Urban Gospel and Christian Hip Hop.
Check out and Download Minister King Michael’s New Track Dance David’s Mp3 HERE